Scottsdale Police (June 2, 2009) The City of Scottsdale’s Police, Fire and Transportation Management Departments recently started using a new communication tool called “Nixle”, a geographic-based messaging service that will enhance the city’s ability to quickly notify residents and businesses of important news and emergency information. Scottsdale is the first agency in Arizona to use the service.
Registering for Nixle is easy. Simply create a log-in by entering your wireless number, e-mail address and the area of town you are interested receiving alerts. Users can rest assured; Nixle does not use your information for any marketing or unwanted solicitations. People who register for the Nixle service can choose to receive secure and reliable messages about public safety, weather, traffic and related information from the City of Scottsdale. Scottsdale residents, or those who choose to register within the Scottsdale area, will also receive alerts specific to their geographically-targeted area via wireless text message, email and/or the web.
To sign-up for Scottsdale Public Safety updates, go to: http://local.nixle.com/register/.