Sunday, June 21, 2009

Phoenix PD Find Teenage Boy Murdered (Update)

Phoenix, AZ - Phoenix Police served a search warrant last night on a home in the the 9400 Block of North 3rd Drive as a follow up to the homicide that took place earlier in the day at this address.  The incident ahs taken a very sad turn.
The search revealed the body of young Loggan Lampert. Loaggan had suffered blunt force trauma to the head, as his grandmother had, and he had been placed in a waste recepticle.
Police have now identified Erick Lampert a a suspect in this double homicide and he remains outstanding. Erick Lampert should be considered extremely dangersous and any person who may see him should call the Phoenix Police immediately. Erick Lampert should not be approached at any cost.

Police were originally looking for both Erick and Loggan Lampert after the discovery of the original homicide.