Tuesday, June 23, 2009
IIMPACT Detectives locate and dismantle drop house in the Maryvale
Sunday June 14, 2009 through Saturday June 20, 2009
The Yuma Fire Department responded to 203 emergency calls for services
6 Commercial Assignments
Including: Various alarms such as water flow, smoke detectors, and heat detectors
24 Motor Vehicle Crashes
Including: 2 involving pedestrian, 1 involving a motorcycle, and 1 rollover
150 Other Medical Emergencies (serious to minor)
Including: 13 for difficulty breathing, 18 for chest pain, 23 fall victims, 11 unconscious people, 3 seizure cases, 9 diabetic emergencies, 1 possible stroke case, 3 suicidal subjects, 1 allergic reaction, 1 possible overdose, 1 infant locked inside of a vehicle, 1 gunshot victim, 1 stabbing victim, 1 near drowning, 1 dog bite victim, Two coyotes arrested and six victims rescued including a 12-year-old female
On Sunday, June 21, 2009, detectives from IIMPACT began investigating a complaint received from a woman in Florida who said her son had recently entered the U.S. from Mexico and was being held captive in a Phoenix area house. The woman said the captors were demanding about $2,200 for the release of her son or he would be beaten and/or killed. Through investigative efforts, IIMPACT detectives located the house where the woman’s son was being held. Two suspected human smugglers (coyotes) were arrested following a traffic stop after they were seen leaving the suspected drop house on Monday, June 22, 2009.
On Monday, June 22, 2009, the Arizona Department of Public Safety Special Operations Unit (SOU) served a search warrant at 5706 W. Virginia Ave., Phoenix. The SOU Team located six people in the home, all believed to be illegal aliens. Of the six, two were female, a mother and her 12-year-old daughter, and four males, one being a 15-year-old. The victims are believed to have been in the house since this past Friday, June 19 and Saturday, June 20; all claim to be Mexican Nationals. The victims are in fair condition and have not required or requested medical attention. It appears the residence has been operating as a drop house for some time without power service. Existing bars on exterior windows of the house were used by the coyotes as fortification, no other significant fortifications were found.
Two Suspected Human Smugglers (Coyotes) Arrested:
• Alehandro Carmona-Clanca, 37, of Mexico
• Javier Torres-Jimenez, 24, of Mexico
Both suspects will be booked into the Maricopa County 4th Ave Jail on extortion and human smuggling charges.
** NO Photo’s Available **
IIMPACT (Illegal Immigration Prevention & Apprehension Co-op Team) is a multi-agency project managed by GIITEM of the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) that is designed to address rising crime associated with illegal immigration. IIMPACT is comprised of personnel from DPS, Phoenix Police,
ICE and the Arizona Fraudulent Identification Task Force (AFIT). As the name implies, local, state and federal police agencies combine forces to impact international human smuggling organizations operating in Arizona. ###
This weeks Yuma Fire House Facts

1 spider bite victim,1 call for smoke inhalation, 2 calls for a dehydrated person, 1 possible poisoning, and misc. other illnesses and injuries.
23 Special Duty, Public Assistance, and Residential Assignments
Including: A house fire, three calls for cooking fires, a dumpster fire, a wheat field fire, and various alarms
Cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires and home fire injuries. Just last week the Yuma Fire Department responded to three separate fire calls that involved cooking. Every year hundreds of Americans die, thousands more are injured, and roughly half a billion dollars in property damage results from cooking fires. Unattended cooking is a major reason these fires occur.
A reason for one of last week’s fire responses was when a pan with a loaf of bread was stored inside an oven, and the oven was turned on. Older children in the home were going to make muffins, and did not check the oven for storage prior to preheating it. One great way to avoid these types of fires is to never store anything inside of your oven. It is easy to forget down the road when you go to bake something, or if someone else goes to bake something.
Always assist older children in the kitchen, and supervise their activities. If you are simmering, baking, boiling, or roasting rood, check it regularly, remain in the home while food is cooking, and use a timer to remind you the stove or oven is on. Even boiling water can lead to a fire if left unattended and the water boils away.
Have a kid free zone at least 3 feet around the stove/oven. Keep handles turned in so small children won’t pull on them, dumping hot food, oil, or water on top of them. If your stove has knobs that children can reach, get safety covers for them.
Always stay in the kitchen when frying, grilling, or broiling food. If you must leave the kitchen, for even a short time, turn off the stove. Be mindful of unexpected distractions (phone calls, visitors, etc.) that take your attention away from your cooking.
The Yuma Fire Department wants your family to follow this recipe for safety! Stop kitchen fires before they start!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Large House Fire in Yuma

On June 22, 2009 at about 9:15 am a fire was reported in the 800 block of South 2nd Avenue. Arriving Yuma Fire Department personnel found heavy smoke and fire coming from 824 South 2nd Avenue. The fire was contained to that residence and extinguished. The building and contents sustained heavy damage, with sections of the roof collapsing. Two residents were home at the time the fire was discovered and were able to safely evacuate the building. The home’s smoke alarms were not working but the fire was discovered when a dog started acting strangely. The fire is under investigation. According to the owner the home was built in 1907. The American Red Cross was called to assist the home’s two residents. Photo courtesy of Yuma Fire Dept.
Eric Lampert has been arrested in connection with Phoenix double homicide

At about 9:50 a.m. today Mr. Erick Lampert was detained by Tempe Police and arrested by Phoenix Police detectives in the area of 8600 S. River in Tempe. The Tempe Police had responded to a location in the area in reference to a suspicious person on the property. Tempe Police made contact with Mr. Lampert and, based on his description and a very sharp call taker for the Tempe Police Department (Alex Stetson), Mr. Lampert was detained for positive identification from our Phoenix detectives. Mr. Lampert is currently at Phoenix Police Headquarters.
Armed Robbery suspect sought by Peoria Police

May be involved in robbery in Sun City as well
Date/Time: May 8, 2009 10:55 am
Location: McDonald’s 9119 W. Union Hills
Suspect: H/M, 20-25 years old 5’10, 150-160 lbs. Dark blue pants, blue shirt, black/white shoes
Weapon: Black semi automatic hand gun
Suspect Vehicle:Tan or Gold SUV
On the May 8th at about 10:55 am the suspect committed an armed robbery at the McDonald’s at 91st Avenue and Union Hills by aiming a gun at the employees and demanding money from the register. The suspect had the employee put the money in plastic grocery bags that he brought with him. When the suspect left he told the employee not to follow him. The suspect was seen getting into the passenger side of a tan or gold SUV and the driver was described as a white male approximately 6’0”-6’2” tall with blond curly hair.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Phoenix PD Find Teenage Boy Murdered (Update)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Phoenix PD looking for missing child and man in connection with homicide

Phoenix Police are asking for the assistance of the public in an attempt to locate the following persons of interest: LAMPERT, Erick, White, male, 35 years of age, 6", 210 pounds, brown hair and eyes, full beard with moustache, last seen wearing a dark "T" shirt and light shorts. LAMPERT, Loggan, White, male, 14 years of age, red hair, glasses, 4'11', 125 pounds, hazel eyes, last seen wearing a grey "T" shirt and an unknown color basketball shorts. At this point police are asking if these persons are seen, do not approach for any reason. Please call the police at (602)262-6151 or 9-1-1 immediately.

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Arizona Fraudulent Identification Task Force makes two arrests in the shutdown of significant operation
A laptop computer
A scanner/printer
I.D. card printers
Over 500 pieces of blank laminate
200 sheets of card stock used for social security cards
Over 60 completed ID’s which include Arizona, Tennessee, California, and foreign government fraudulent ID’s and $400 in U.S. currency
Suspects: Maria Orozco-Aguirre, 29, Glendale
Esbeuda Bahena Valdez, 26, Glendale
Charges: Manufacturing Fraudulent Identification, Taking the Identity of Another, Conducting a Criminal Enterprise, Forgery, Trafficking in stolen identity and Contributing to the delinquency of a minor
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Ruby Fire
The Ruby Complex is comprised of the Ruby Fire on the Tusayan District of the Kaibab National Forest and the Game Reserve Fire on the south rim of Grand Canyon National Park. The fires have grown together as expected. The complex totals 3,833 acres. The fires are being managed under one organization across jurisdictional boundaries to meet protection and resource objectives. Minimal fire activity is expected under current conditions.
Point Fire
Fire specialists are managing the Point Fire for resource benefits and to reduce catastrophic wildfire danger to the communities of Pine and Strawberry.
The fire is creeping along the forest floor on Milk Ranch Point of the Mogollon Rim.
Crews successfully completed burnout operations. Expect little to no smoke as the fire continues to run it's course - burning with low intensity within its perimeters - until it runs its course or summer monsoons come. Crews will continue to monitor activity.
The closure on Milk Ranch Point will remain in place until further notice.
Phoenix Police Host “Bring Your Kid to Work Day”
WHAT: Funds raised at the event will go to benefit the family of Officer Brian Howe, who is suffering from Lou Gerhig’s disease.
WHEN: Thursday, June 18, 2009
10:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
WHERE: Phoenix Police Air Support Unit
102 E. Deer Valley Rd. (North side of Deer Valley Rd. at Central Ave)
Follow the road to the north where you will be greeted by a Police Explorer who will be working the gate to direct the media into specific areas to park and set up.
The Phoenix Police Department is planning a day of demonstrations and activities for the annual “Bring Your Kid to Work Day” on June 18, 2009. The events will take place at our Air Support Unit, located at 102 E. Deer Valley Road, beginning at 10:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. Demonstrations and activities include: K-9’s, Bomb Squad, Motorcycle Officers, Helicopters, Mounted Patrol Unit, PPD Race Car, SAU, McGruff, Dive Unit, FATS and more. There will be a Burger Burn with all proceeds going to the family of Officer Brian Howe, who has been suffering from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, (Lou Gerhig’s disease).
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Mr. Harper has pledged to the family, and in Troy’s memory, to cover all expenses related to Troy’s services and internment. This includes a custom casket, clothing, flowers and a personal (Mr. Harper’s) plot.
Services for little Troy will be at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday June 16th and he will be interned following the service at the Rest Haven Cemetery in the area of W. Northern Av./N. 63rd Av.
Mr. Harper’s generosity and selflessness is indicative of the fellowship often demonstrated within our community and we should all be proud that he lives and works among us.
Arizona Department of Public Safety arrests suspected military impersonator
Rodriquez first came to the attention of criminal investigators at DPS after a former marine witnessed Rodriquez being introduced as a decorated veteran during a special function. The former marine observed the uniform worn by Rodriquez was not complete and that it was highly unusual for a 31-year-old to be wearing the Navy Cross. The man did some research and discovered Rodriquez had never been in the military. The case was then referred to DPS. The investigation revealed Rodriquez has in fact been introduced as a decorated war veteran at several functions, along with listing himself as currently serving in the military on his driver’s license.
On June 4, 2009, DPS investigators served a search warrant at Rodriquez’s home and removed several Marine uniforms and metals. Rodriquez was out of state at the time. He later spoke with DPS investigators from Sacramento where his parents reside. On June 10, 2009, Rodriquez flew back to Phoenix with his father. He was arrested at Sky Harbor Airport and taken to DPS headquarters in Phoenix to be interviewed. He was then booked into the 4th Avenue jail.
Rodriquez faces possible federal charges in addition to his arrest for ARS Title 13 Felony Fraud Schemes.
their guests.
WHAT: (FOR MEDIA ONLY) Firefighter Motorcycle Run to Benefit Arizona Burn Camp
WHEN: Monday, June 15, 2009
Departing at 8:00 a.m. for Ride
WHERE: Fire Station 56
3210 W. Canotia Place
(I-17 & Carefree Highway)
CONTACT: Hugh Chase, Phoenix Fire Department
602-201-9716 or 602-370-5718
Phoenix area firefighters involved in the Sixth Annual Burn Camp Run will rev up their motorcycle engines and depart Phoenix Fire Station 56 for their ride up to the camp in Prescott at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, June 15th. They’ll take the Wickenburg/Yarnell route and arrive at Prescott’s Fire Station #1 at 333 White Spar Road for registration at 11 a.m. Only fire department members, retirees, and their guests are allowed to participate in the ride, hosted by the Phoenix Area Wind & Fire Motorcycle Chapter. All riders raise funds for the Arizona Burn Camp by securing corporate and private sponsors. Last year they raised $104,000, and they hope to make a significant contribution again this year.
The Arizona Burn Camp – “Camp Courage” – is a rehabilitative program that provides a safe environment where children can enjoy a week of summer camp specially tailored to their needs. The kids who attend the camp have sustained severely traumatic burn injuries. The camp provides an opportunity for them to participate in summer-time activities among other young burn survivors in a safe, friendly, and non-judgmental environment. Volunteers, counselors, and Phoenix firefighters and paramedics staff the camp.
Contributions to the Arizona Burn Camp may be made by check at Wind & Fire, P.O. Box 11355, Glendale, AZ 85318-1355 or at www.windandfirephoenixchapter.com.
WANTED: By Phoenix Police

Location: 8900 W. Fairmont Av.
Victim: Smith, Christopher, Black, male, 20 years of age
Suspect: Reid, Antonio, Black, male, 20 years of age
5’08”, 150 pounds (Felony Warrant)
Invest. Lead: Lemons, Brittany, Black, female, 19 years of age
5’01”, 125 pounds, black hair, brown eyes
At around 4:00 a.m. on 14 March, 2009 the victim was attending a party in the street in front of a residence in the area of 8900 W. Fairmont Av. For reason(s) unknown the victim was shot several times and was pronounced dead at the scene.
The police investigation has revealed that Antonio Reid is the suspect who shot Mr. Smith and investigative lead Brittany Lemons is the person who drove the suspect away from the scene.
The Phoenix Police Department is asking that anyone who may know the whereabouts of Antonio Reid and Brittany Lemons, or who may have information related to this homicide, please call Silent Witness at 480-W.I.T.N.E.S.S. Any caller may remain anonymous.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
IIMPACT detectives investigate two west Phoenix drop houses
Phoenix Police arrived at the house and could hear people inside banging on the windows and screaming to get the attention of officers. IIMPACT was called to the scene. A total of nine human smugglers were identified. There were 32 undocumented aliens. Most had been held in the house for over one month and were barely given food or water. Many of the victims had been kicked by the suspects as they received extortion threats. The windows had been fortified by wood. A loaded pistol was recovered.
In both cases the suspects will be charged with human smuggling, misconduct involving weapons, kidnapping, armed robbery, aggravated assault, and extortion. All UDA victims were turned over to the custody of ICE.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Collision with police car leaves 1 dead
Major school bus crash sends children to hospital
Preliminary information suggests that the driver of one pick up truck had slowed to make a turn onto road 4 north; the driver of the second pick-up following the first pick-up had slowed down along with the driver of first school bus. The driver of the second school bus lost control for an unknown reason and rear-ended the first school bus causing a chain reaction collision.
The driver of the second school bus was extricated from the bus and flown to a local area medical center for the treatment of serious injuries. The school buses from the Chino Valley Unified School District had a total of 40 students on board between both buses. Eight of the students were transported to local area hospitals with minor injuries. One of the students required extrication. The students were middle school and elementary school age.
State Route 89 was closed in the area of the collision at 4:00 P.M and reopened just before 8:00 P.M. The actual cause of this collision will not be determined for several weeks to months.
Investigators determined that the video on the website may have been a live webcam broadcast and a search warrant was authored for the site and its hosting site. Investigators were able to establish probable cause for an arrest and, on 1 June, the suspect was booked into jail on one count of sexual assault and surreptitious video taping.
Information received through this investigation indicates there may have been similar acts of this type involving this suspect. The Phoenix Police Department is asking anyone who may have information relative to this incident please call Silent Witness at 480-W.I.T.N.E.S.S. As always callers may remain anonymous.
Public Safety Launches New Communication Tool

Scottsdale Police (June 2, 2009) The City of Scottsdale’s Police, Fire and Transportation Management Departments recently started using a new communication tool called “Nixle”, a geographic-based messaging service that will enhance the city’s ability to quickly notify residents and businesses of important news and emergency information. Scottsdale is the first agency in Arizona to use the service.
Registering for Nixle is easy. Simply create a log-in by entering your wireless number, e-mail address and the area of town you are interested receiving alerts. Users can rest assured; Nixle does not use your information for any marketing or unwanted solicitations. People who register for the Nixle service can choose to receive secure and reliable messages about public safety, weather, traffic and related information from the City of Scottsdale. Scottsdale residents, or those who choose to register within the Scottsdale area, will also receive alerts specific to their geographically-targeted area via wireless text message, email and/or the web.
To sign-up for Scottsdale Public Safety updates, go to: http://local.nixle.com/register/.
All of these robberies had two things in common; the suspects were seen either arriving or leaving the scenes in a gold colored Chevrolet HHR (small SUV) and the vehicle was being driven by a much older female. The suspects committing the offenses had been described as being in their early to late teens.
A joint investigation between Phoenix and Glendale detectives, and in conjunction with officers from the Cactus Park Neighborhood Enforcement Team (92X), revealed that Cynthia Roberson was using her own vehicle in the crimes as the “getaway driver”. Cynthia, her two sons (John and Tony) and many of the son’s friends have been identified as suspects in the armed robberies.
Most of the suspects were arrested without incident on 05-29-09 at around 8:45 p.m.; others were arrested previously. Police served a search warrant at Cynthia’s home where several actual and simulated weapons (pellet guns) were discovered.
Phoenix Police believe, at this time, that all suspects related to this group have been identified.
Double Homicide
Upon arrival of Phoenix Fire paramedics, Mario Sr. was pronounced dead at the home. Patricia was transported to a local hospital where she was later pronounced dead.
No family history has been established and I have no further information at this time. This incident remains under investigation.
(May 29, 2009) In December of 2007, Congress declared the first week of June each year as National CPR/AED Awareness Week. The goal of National CPR and AED Awareness Week is to encourage states, cities and towns to establish organized programs that provide CPR and AED trainings and increase public access to AEDs.
Approximately 1,000 people die every day in the United States because they suffered a cardiac arrest outside of the hospital. However, death from sudden cardiac arrest is not inevitable. If more people react quickly by calling 9-1-1, performing CPR, and using an AED more lives can be saved.
Scottsdale Fire Department began training the public in a new CPR technique called Continuous Chest Compressions (CCC) in July 2008. To date, more than 1,400 people have been trained on how to save the life of a loved one, coworker or stranger in cardiac arrest. This new technique is easy, safe and does not require mouth to mouth contact.
Free 90-minute community presentations on the CCC resuscitation technique will be held:
6 – 7:30 pm, Wednesday, June 3 at Fire Headquarters, 8401 E. Indian School Road
1 – 2:30 pm, Saturday, June 6 at Horizon Community Center, 15444 N. 100th Street
9:30 – 11 am, Saturday, June 13 at Fire Headquarters, 8401 E. Indian School Road
1-2:30 pm, June 27 at La Mirada Desert Park, 8950 E. Pinnacle Peak Road
Scottsdale Fire Department staff and volunteers will teach participants to respond to a cardiac emergency including important tips for calling 911, performing chest compressions, and how to use an AED. Advance registration is strongly encouraged, but walk-ins are also welcome.
To sign up, visit www.scottsdaleaz.gov/fire/CCC-CPR or call (480) 312-8000.
For a complete listing of upcoming community CPR, First Aid and Babysitter certification courses, visit www.scottsdaleaz.gov/fire/CPRclasses. Pre-registration is required for all certification courses. For more information or to register, call (480) 312-1879.