On 12/15/09, at about 3:30 p.m., Kenneth Jackson, walked into the Phoenix Police headquarters at 620 W. Washington and asked to speak with a homicide detective. Mr. Jackson was then contacted by a member of the Homicide Unit in the lobby and this is when it was learned that Jackson wanted to turn himself in for a murder which occurred 21 years ago. Mr. Jackson told Phoenix Homicide detectives that in November of 1988 he entered the home of the victim, whom he had known only slightly, with the intent to rob him. Mr. Jackson said he killed the victim, took his wallet and fled the home. Mr. Jackson explained that he had been “strung out” on drugs and he had needed money for his next “fix”. Shortly after the homicide Mr. Jackson fled Arizona to Southern California where he began to change his life. Mr. Jackson cleaned himself of drugs obtained a decent job and bought a home. During this same time period Mr. Jackson’s father was terminally ill and, according to Mr. Jackson, he confessed the crime to his father and his father advised him before he passed away to “get back to the church and fix this”. Mr. Jackson continued his rejuvenated life, but was not happy. After approximately 21 years of living with what he had done, Mr. Jackson chose to return to Phoenix and turn himself in. Mr. Jackson was determined to have specific information about the homicide that only the suspect could know. Kenneth Jackson Jr. was later booked into jail on one count of first degree murder and one count of armed robbery. Attempts to locate the victim’s next of kin are being made to notify them of this arrest.