On 07/15/09 at approximately 2:30pm, a female victim was walking northbound on Patterson at Lockett in Flagstaff. The suspect was driving north on Paterson, approached the victim from behind, stopped and asked her to get in his vehicle. The victim stated he was naked and masturbating. Victim told suspect, “no” and continued walking across Lockett. The suspect drove east on Lockett, turned around and waited for victim. At approximately Lockett and Steves Blvd., the suspect pulled up next to the victim, exited his vehicle naked and grabbed the victim telling her “come on baby, get in the car”. He repeated this several times and forcibly attempted to get her inside the vehicle. Victim yelled and fought back, kicking, slapping and scratching at suspect as he soon let her go. Suspect entered vehicle and left westbound on Lockett. Suspect is a Hispanic male approximately 25-35 years old. He is about 5’7” to 5’9” and has a chubby build and a big belly according to the victim. He also has chubby cheeks and a full moustache. Hair is shaved on sides with short length on top, somewhat combed back. No clothing description because the victim says all he had on was brown socks, nothing else. Suspect is driving a newer model SUV, possibly Chevy blazer or like model, which was described as a greenish/brown (possibly grayish) in color. The vehicle was reported to be missing it’s license plate and has tinted windows and loud music system. No markings, damage, stickers or other identifying marks known. This could very well be related to another reported Hispanic male masturbating in a grey SUV at the Flagstaff Mall at approximately 2:15pm. If anyone has information on this case or might know the person and SUV which matches the above description, please call Det. Brad Conway at 928-607-9159 or silent Witness at 928-774-6111. you may be eligible for a cash reward of $1,000.00