Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Peoria Police celebrate National Night Out with an Open House and Ice Cream Social
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Peoria Public Safety Administration Building
8351 W. Cinnabar Avenue
National Night Out is an annual event to promote crime fighting activity and community partnership building and the Peoria Police Department is holding an Open House and Ice Cream Social to promote community involvement and crime prevention. The Department will be opening its doors to the community so you can meet their employees, see the equipment they use, learn about how you can keep your home safe, meet McGruff, “The Crime Dog” and see numerous home safety and security items.
Its hot outside in August, so the Peoria Police Department is also holding an ice cream social, while the supply of ice cream lasts.
The Peoria Fire Department, Peoria’a three Target Stores and Blue Bell Ice Cream are partners with the Peoria Police Department for this event.
Fire Department offers free training on new CPR technique
Are you prepared and confident in your ability to perform CPR and use an AED when seconds count?
Scottsdale Fire Department offers free presentations on the new CPR technique called Continuous Chest Compressions (CCC). This technique is easy, safe, and does not require mouth-to-mouth contact. CCC takes only minutes to learn, is easy to perform and can dramatically improve a person’s chance of surviving a heart attack.
Free community workshops on the new CCC resuscitation technique will be held:
2-3:30 pm, Saturday, Aug. 1, 2009 at Fire Dept. Headquarters; 8401 E. Indian School Road
10-11:30 am, Saturday, Aug. 15, 2009 at the Mountain View Community Center; 8625 E. Mountain View Road
6-7:30 pm, Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2009 at Fire Dept. Headquarters; 8401 E. Indian School Road
9:30 - 11 am, Saturday, Sept. 19, 2009 at Fire Dept. Headquarters; 8401 E. Indian School Road
Scottsdale Fire Department staff and volunteers will teach you how to respond to a cardiac emergency including important tips for calling 911, performing chest compressions, and how to use an AED.
Please note: No CPR certification cards will be issued at these presentations. To register, visit www.scottsdaleaz.gov/fire/CCC-CPR or call 480-312-8000.
For more information or to schedule a group CCC presentation, contact Patty Jo Angelini at (480) 312-1815 or email pangelini@ScottsdaleAZ.gov.
Indecent exposure subject sighted again in Flagstaff

On July 25, at about 11:20pm, a heavy-set, hispanic man in a small, tan SUV drove into the Wicked AZ drive-thru. The man was masturbating in the vehicle as he sat at the window of the business. Minutes after this crime, a heavy-set “hispanic male with a big belly” in the same tan SUV committed the same crime at the other Wicked AZ location. These crimes match the suspect and vehicle descriptions of the crimes which occurred on July 15 on the east side of Flagstaff. If the public has any information on the suspect’s or SUV description, please call the Flagstaff Police Department at 928-774-1414 or Silent Witness at 928-774-6111.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Update: I-10 collision
Driver/Deceased: Shari Wood Linder, 50, of Quinlan, Texas
Co-Driver/Injured: Ricky Keith Linder, 53, of Quinlan, Texas
The truck was carrying automotive products and cleaning products which included aerosol cans.
The fire was so intense it completely engulfed the semi-truck and came in contact with overhead power lines. As a result, Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) Officers closed both the eastbound and westbound lanes of Interstate 10 at Picacho Peak.
The westbound lanes were reopened at 1:09 p.m. and one eastbound lane was re-opened at about 1:30 p.m. All lanes of the interstate were open as of 3:40 p.m.
The truck is owned by Saia Trucking. The Linder’s, who were married, were traveling from Blythe, California to El Paso, Texas. They have been driving together as a team for about ten years.
Ricky Linder remains in stable condition with non life threatening injuries at UMC Tucson.
Closure due to fatal collision causing a hazardous materials situation
The fire was so intense it completely engulfed the semi-truck and came in contact with overhead power lines. As a result, Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) Officers closed both the eastbound and westbound lanes of Interstate 10 at Picacho Peak.
Yuma Fire had their hands full

From Thursday night (7/23) through Friday morning (7/24) the Yuma Fire Department responded to several significant incidents.
Shortly after 9:00 pm a fire was reported at 17th Street and Madison Avenue. Arriving YFD personnel found several pieces of furniture on fire in front of 1701 South Madison Avenue. The fire was extinguished but it had already destroyed two couches and done minor damage to the home’s exterior. This fire is being investigated by both fire and police as a possible arson. There were no injuries.
Shortly before 11:00 pm YFD personnel were called to the scene of a traffic crash on 32nd Street and Avenue 5E. Arriving personnel found the semi-truck and passenger vehicle involved in the crash to be completely on fire. The fire was extinguished but both vehicles were completely destroyed. Four occupants of the semi had escaped the vehicle after the crash and later refused treatment. The passenger vehicle had one occupant, the driver, who was deceased. The crash is being investigated by the Yuma Police Department.
At 1:45 am a fire was reported in the area of the Greyhound Park, 4000 South 4th Avenue. Arriving YFD units found flames and smoke coming from a large structure (once used as a kennel) and surrounding debris. The fire was extinguished but firefighters encountered downed live power lines and high winds. Significant damage was done to the structure, but it was contained to the immediate area of the initial fire. There were no injuries. The fire was believed to have originated at the power pole, which was also on fire.
At 5:15 am heavy smoke was reported in the area of 16th Street and 9th Avenue. Arriving YFD personnel found the source of the smoke to be coming from a home in the 1400 block of 9th Avenue. Smoke and flames were coming from the home at 1425 South 9th Avenue. Firefighters extinguished the fire. The home was not occupied. Significant damage was done to the property, but it did not spread to nearby homes. Fire and Police Department personnel are investigating. There were no injuries.
Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) Officers investigate an Improvised Explosive Device
Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) officers, along with members of the Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) unit responded to the area. Officers secured the scene and the device was remotely dismantled by EOD personnel. The device was located over a hill, near the sound barrier wall; therefore, there were no road closures along U.S. 60.
The device was rusted and appeared to have been in the area for some time. Anyone with information is asked to contact DPS at pio@azdps.gov
Phoenix Police need your assistance

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Phoenix Police is requesting your assistance with the following:
Dates 27-30 June, 2009
Location 31100 N. Cave Creek Rd.
Suspect White or Hispanic male, 30-40, mustache, wearing a white baseball cap, white Shirt, blue jeans and white tennis shoes
Suspect White, female, 30-40, brown hair, wearing a red tank top and blue jeans
At some time between 27 and 28 June, 2009 unknown suspects forced entry into a home in the area of 41000 N. Cave Creek Rd. and stole several computers, jewelry and credit cards from the victims.
Between 28-30 June, 2009 the victim’s stolen credit card was used by unknown suspect’s at several different retail, grocery and gasoline businesses in the metropolitan phoenix area. The suspect/s charged several thousand dollars with the stolen credit card. Three of the businesses where the transactions took place had video surveillance of the suspects.
At this point the Phoenix Police have been unable to identify the suspects who were recorded using the victim’s stolen credit card and we are asking for the public’s assistance. Anyone who may recognize the suspects in the provided photographs are asked to call the Phoenix Police at (602)262-6151 or Silent Witness at 480-W.I.T.N.E.S.S. As always, callers can remain anonymous
Flagstaff police arrest juviniles in auto theft ring
The public is reminded of the Flagstaff Police Department’s “Move it or Lose it” program for people to remove valuables from the interior of their vehicles and lock the doors while the vehicle is parked.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Major DPS Drug Bust
Driver: Albert Chrzaszcz, 36, of Surprise, Ariz.
Owner operator and Co-Driver: Jayson Lyle Shawd, 41, of Mesa, Ariz.
Both suspects were booked into the Gila County Jail in Payson, Arizona on the following charges: Possession of a narcotic drug for sale, transportation of a narcotic drug for sale, possession of marijuana for sale, and transportation of marijuana for sale.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
WHAT: Sixth Annual “Drowning Impact Awareness Month” Kickoff, signaling Arizona’s
commitment to child drowning prevention in August. The “purple ribbon”
campaign has distributed more than 50,000 ribbons around the state to date.
WHEN: Tuesday, July 28, 2009
10 a.m.
WHERE: Phoenix Children’s Hospital
1919 E. Thomas Road
(Media parking available on the east side of the Rosenburg Medical Plaza
just south of the main hospital entrance.)
CONTACT: Tiffaney Isaacson, Phoenix Children’s Hospital
(602) 546-1712 or cell (480) 510-0965
Historically, August has been the deadliest month of the year for child drownings, due to extreme heat and back-to-school distractions for families. However, Arizona has seen plenty of headlines already this summer about child drownings. As families struggle to pay for pool fences, swimming lessons, child care, and CPR instruction in this economic downturn, nine children have drowned to date in Maricopa County, as compared to eight children who drowned as of the same time last year.
Arizona unites again this August with the Annual “Drowning Impact Awareness Month” effort. The purple ribbon campaign increases awareness, and is coordinated by Phoenix Children’s Hospital. The key message is that “Awareness is Free,” and vital strategies like supervision can save lives.
WHAT: Tutorial on What to Do at the Scene of a Motorcycle Accident Before First
Responders Arrive
WHEN: Saturday, July 25, 2009
WHERE Buddy Stubbs Arizona Harley Davidson
13850 N. Cave Creek Road
(Indoors in the Showroom)
CONTACT: Alex Rangel, Phoenix Fire Department
602-201-9716 or 602-370-5718
Would you know what to do if you were the first one at the scene of a motorcycle accident? The Phoenix Fire Department will be at Buddy Stubbs Arizona Harley Davidson at noon on Saturday, July 25th to show you how you can help save a life.
There will also be free sandwiches, sodas and water and a contest to win a free ride-along and dinner with Phoenix firefighters.
Flagstaff Attempted Kidnapping

On 07/15/09 at approximately 2:30pm, a female victim was walking northbound on Patterson at Lockett in Flagstaff. The suspect was driving north on Paterson, approached the victim from behind, stopped and asked her to get in his vehicle. The victim stated he was naked and masturbating. Victim told suspect, “no” and continued walking across Lockett. The suspect drove east on Lockett, turned around and waited for victim. At approximately Lockett and Steves Blvd., the suspect pulled up next to the victim, exited his vehicle naked and grabbed the victim telling her “come on baby, get in the car”. He repeated this several times and forcibly attempted to get her inside the vehicle. Victim yelled and fought back, kicking, slapping and scratching at suspect as he soon let her go. Suspect entered vehicle and left westbound on Lockett. Suspect is a Hispanic male approximately 25-35 years old. He is about 5’7” to 5’9” and has a chubby build and a big belly according to the victim. He also has chubby cheeks and a full moustache. Hair is shaved on sides with short length on top, somewhat combed back. No clothing description because the victim says all he had on was brown socks, nothing else. Suspect is driving a newer model SUV, possibly Chevy blazer or like model, which was described as a greenish/brown (possibly grayish) in color. The vehicle was reported to be missing it’s license plate and has tinted windows and loud music system. No markings, damage, stickers or other identifying marks known. This could very well be related to another reported Hispanic male masturbating in a grey SUV at the Flagstaff Mall at approximately 2:15pm. If anyone has information on this case or might know the person and SUV which matches the above description, please call Det. Brad Conway at 928-607-9159 or silent Witness at 928-774-6111. you may be eligible for a cash reward of $1,000.00
DPS investigates rollover collision with numerous victims
Vehicle carried suspected illegal immigrants; human smuggler/driver arrested
On Wednesday July 15, 2009, at approximately 5:22 p.m., the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) received several 911 calls concerning a white SUV that had rolled over several times while traveling southbound on Interstate 17. DPS Metro-west patrol officers learned the vehicle was on Interstate 17 near Pioneer Road when, for some unknown reason, the vehicle left the roadway and rolled. It eventually landed in the median.
Six people riding in the SUV were ejected and seriously injured. One injured person was still in the vehicle and had to be extricated. The two most seriously injured are ages 15 and 16. They were both flown to John C. Lincoln Hospital where they remain in critical condition. The rest of the injured passengers were adults. The driver of the SUV fled the scene on foot. Phoenix police canine units and a Phoenix police helicopter initiated a search for the driver in the desert area near the crash scene.
At approximately 11:00 p.m., Phoenix Police received information about the suspect who was standing near a pay phone near the Carefree highway about one mile from the interstate where the rollover occurred. DPS officers responded and arrested the suspect. He has been charged with numerous counts of aggravated assault along with human smuggling and money laundering.
All victims in this collision, including the suspect, are Mexican nationals.
Bullhead City responds to Hazmat at casino

On Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at 14:08, the Bullhead City Fire Department Hazardous Materials Team was requested to assist the Clark County Fire Department with unknown material leaking from a 53 foot enclosed trailer. Assistant Fire Chief and Lead Hazardous Materials Technician Joe Anderson responded with four additional technicians, the Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Trailer to Laughlin. Due to the temperatures of over 110 degrees, Chief Anderson called for additional assistance from the Fort Mojave Mesa Fire Department and the Mohave Valley Fire Department. Each department dispatched two additional technicians. Upon arrival Technicians donned proper Protective Suits to examine the leak. A lock on the rear of the trailer was cut to gain access. The trailer was caring many large drums of hazardous materials. Technicians observed the leaking drum. There were drums and large boxes that would need to be removed to gain access to the leaking drum. A call was place to Don Laughlin’s Riverside Resort to obtain if a fork lift was available to assist with the removing some of the non-comprised drums and boxes from the trailer. The Riverside made arrangements and within fifteen minutes a fork lift arrived The fork lift removed boxes that allowed space in the trailer to access the leaking drum. Much of the liquid was pumped into a safe empty drum supplied by the hazardous materials team. The leaking drum was then placed into a larger safe drum also supplied by the hazardous materials team. At this time the scene was determined to be safe. Clark County Fire Department would remain on scene and await the arrival of H2O. H2O is a hazardous materials clean up company from Las Vegas. The company was expected to arrive at approximately 20:00. They will take control of the hazardous materials in the two drums. The material was determined to be corrosive waste water. Used to rinse acid from other materials. The material was placed in a metal drum. It should have been placed in a lined drum or plastic drum. It is believed the drum leaks over 30 gallons through the drum and trough the trailer floor. The tractor that would tow the trailer was in Kingman. The Nevada Highway Patrol was also on scene the entire time and had made contact with the driver.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Double homicide 711 N. 6th Street
Victim 1: adult w/m, no further information
Victim 2: adult w/m, no further information
Suspect 1: adult h/f
Suspect 2: adult h/m
Suspect vehicle: tan van
At 2:19 A.M. this morning Phoenix Police officers were called to the scene at 711 N. 6th Street. Officers found the victims shot to death in the home. The motive at this time appears to be drug or robbery related or both.
One victim has been identified but the other has not. NOK has not been notified on the identified victim.
There is minimal information at this time on this incident so investigators will not be releasing much information. They are currently serving a search warrant at the scene, which is standard operating procedure.
The unknown suspects may have been seen driving a tan van in the area.
Anyone with information is asked to call Silent Witness at 480-WITNESS or 480-TESTIGO.
Yuma Fire House Facts Sunday July 5, 2009 through Saturday July 11, 2009

The Yuma Fire Department responded to 198 emergency calls for services 10 Commercial Assignments Including: A palm tree fire, and various false alarms 1 Mutual Aid Assignment Including: assisting the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office with a body recovery 10 Motor Vehicle Crashes Including: 1 involving a pedestrian, and 2 involving three vehicles 159 Other Medical Emergencies (serious to minor) Including: 19 for difficulty breathing, 6 for chest pain, 21 fall victims, 23 unconscious people, 6 seizure cases, 3 diabetic emergencies, 4 possible stroke cases, 2 calls for an overheated person, 2 suicidal patients, 4 possible overdose cases, 2 allergic reaction, 1 woman in labor, 1 infant locked inside of a vehicle and misc. other illnesses and injuries. 16 Special Duty, Public Assistance, and Residential Assignments Including: A residential fire, a pole on fire, a fire intentionally set to a cardboard box that spread and destroyed a wheat field, juveniles setting leaves on fire behind a business, 2 vehicle fires, an ammonia leak from a portable cooling equipment trailer, and various alarms Last week an entire an un-harvested wheat field was lost due to a fire that spread from its original location. A fire was intentionally set to some cardboard and then spread to the nearby field with heavy winds. This reminds us that we live in an arid area that does present risks for fire. - Use extreme care in the use of all fire, and potential fire causing activities, whether it is for industrial, home, or recreational use. - Make sure campfires and smoking materials are fully extinguished. - Use spark arrestors in mechanical equipment such as chain saws and off-road vehicles. - When you pull off a roadway, be sure not to park in grassy areas. - Check the regulations on fires. Many areas will be closed to all fires (including charcoal grills) due to the extreme dry conditions - Be aware of other weather conditions, such as the wind speed and direction. Un-permitted fires are unlawful and also result in unnecessary Fire Department responses. Fortunately Yuma does not have much of the “wildland-urban interface” where brush and forest lands enter into our community, but we do have large amounts of agricultural land. Traditionally our biggest threat has been along the river. Development of parkland areas along the river, like the West and East Wetlands, has reduced the threat to the community by reducing fuel and adding green space areas. However, this threat is not completely eliminated and if you are traveling to other areas of our state or surrounding states, please use caution and obey all fire regulations. Every year, wildfires account for millions of dollars in property damage, and cause serious injuries and deaths. Safety is no accident!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Fatal collision 13, July 2009
There was a fatal collision just after 9:30A.M. this morning at 51st Avenue and Cactus Road.
All the following information is from Phoenix Police Department Vehicular Crimes Unit investigators:
A gray 2005 Kia van driven by 57 year old Ronald Denton Grotjan was south bound in the curb lane on 51st Avenue, failed to stop for the red light, and collided with the 1998 white Honda Civic driven by a 69 year old woman that was east bound on Cactus Road on a green light.
The front seat passenger in the Honda Civic, 83 year old Frances Eggen, was taken to a hospital but, tragically, died.
Grotjan was impaired (investigators believe on drugs) and tried fleeing the scene. His vehicle quit running once and he got it started and drove off again but it quit once more. Witnesses stopped him and kept him at the scene south of the accident until officers arrived.
After an investigation at the scene, investigators had Grotjan booked into jail for manslaughter, endangerment, and leaving the scene of the collision.
Shooting of 8 year old Child
The following information is from Phoenix Police homicide investigators:
Victim: 8 year old boy (nephew of suspect)
Suspect: Cruz, Javier Gudino; h/m; 24 years old (uncle of victim); booked for being a prohibited possessor of a firearm, child abuse, and discharging a firearm - booking number P564143
On 7/12/09 at 1:45 PM, the 8 year old victim was in the living room at 919 E. Turney
Avenue. Somehow, the victim and three other children, ages 4, 4, and 6 years old, got hold of a handgun. A round was discharged striking the victim in the face. The aunt and uncle found the victim. The uncle carried the victim to the front yard and then took the handgun and tossed it between the wall of the house and a masonry wall surrounding the yard. At some point someone called 911.
The call originally came in as an injured person that someone fell down the stairs. The responding Phoenix Firefighters immediately determined that was not the case and advised the Phoenix Police Department.
The victim was transported to a local hospital where he is still in critical condition. The three children were interviewed by forensic interviewers who speak Spanish. Homicide investigators determined the uncle is a prohibited possessor due to his undocumented immigration status. He had the handgun out earlier in the morning and discharged it in the yard after drinking and having a fight of some kind where he was cut up. Investigators determined that he left the handgun on a small wall in front of his house where the children located it and the victim was shot.
The suspect had to be treated for the prior injuries from the fight before being booked into jail.
This investigation is continuing.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
PUBLIC’S HELP NEEDED | Flagstaff Police

July 10, 2009
On May 30, 2009 an unknown subject stole the gift basket from a wedding reception held at the Radisson Hotel on W. Route 66. The basket contained cash and gift cards intended for the Bride and Groom. A guest at the wedding saw the suspect in the restroom with the gift basket and gave a description to the police. On May 31 at a little after 8:00am, the suspect was caught on tape using several of the gift cards at the Target store on S. Milton in Flagstaff.
The suspect is described at a white male, 6’1”, stocky build, with brown hair and clean shaven. If anyone sees the person in the photo, please call the Flagstaff Police Department at 774-1414 or Silent Witness at 774-6111.
Monday, July 6, 2009
IIMPACT detectives locate and dismantle two drop houses in west Phoenix
Fifteen coyotes arrested and thirteen victims rescued, including four children
On Sunday, July 5, 2009, detectives from the multi-agency Illegal Immigration Prevention and Apprehension Co-Op Team (IIMPACT) began investigating a complaint received from a local woman who said her boyfriend had re-entered the U.S. from Mexico after recently being deported and was being held captive in a Phoenix area house. The woman said the captors had held him since June 26th and were initially demanding about $1,200 for his release. By Sunday, July 5, 2009, the ransom was raised to $3,000, and if it wasn’t paid the captors, or coyotes, threatened to beat up and then behead the woman’s boyfriend and dump his body in the desert. Through investigative efforts, IIMPACT, which includes officers from the Phoenix Police Department, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS), located the house where the woman’s boyfriend was being held. Five suspected human smugglers (coyotes) were arrested following a vehicle and foot pursuit by Phoenix Police following an attempted traffic stop after they were seen leaving the suspected drop house (today) on Monday, July 6, 2009. A canine unit from the Phoenix Police Department and the agency’s Firebird Air Support assisted in capturing the initial coyotes. Later, two female suspected human smugglers were stopped and taken into custody after leaving the house.
Also this morning at about 9:00 a.m., a SWAT team from the DPS Special Operations Unit served a search warrant at 2827 W Campbell, Phoenix. The SWAT Team located 15 people in the home who are all believed to be illegal aliens. Of the 15, two suspected human smugglers, both male, were taken into custody. Of the victims, nine were female, including a seven-year-old and a two-year-old child. Of the males, one was 12-years-old and another three-years-old. The victims are believed to have been in the house for up to one week and all claim to be Mexican Nationals. The victims are in fair condition and have not required or requested medical attention. No significant fortifications were found in the residence.
One of the victims informed IIMPACT detectives about a second location at a Motel 6 where additional human smugglers were hiding out. At about 10:00 a.m. this morning, a DPS SWAT Team made entry into a room at the Motel 6 near Indian School and I-17. Upon entry, six suspected human smugglers were located and no victims.
The 15 suspected human smugglers (coyotes) arrested were booked into the Maricopa County 4th Ave Jail on extortion and human smuggling charges. All are believed to be Mexican Nationals.
Phoenix, AZ. — The Phoenix Fire Department has arrested Chris Benitez for the murder of their fellow firefighter Bret Tarver in the Southwest Supermarket fire on March 14th, 2001. The arrest occurred in Texas on July 4th, 2009.
On July 5th, they made two additional arrests on another fire that occurred at 5414 S. 40th Street. This was also a murder/arson case. The two people arrested were Jeffrey Otto, 19 years old, and Moniza Murillo, 20 years old.
At this time Phoenix fire investigators are also looking into ten other fires which occurred in Phoenix:
* 3002 N. 70th Avenue
* 1731 W. Corona Avenue
* 1434 E. Palm Lane
* 5431 W. Osborn Road
* 301 E. Butler Drive
* 71 Biltmore Estates Drive
* 5647 S. 14th Avenue
* 6511 N. 27th Avenue
* 16820 N. 18th Street
* 4145 W. Sweetwater Avenue